Keyboard shortcuts - Q4

In this article:

Opening and Printing

Window Navigation/Modes

Creating and Editing Subtitles

Navigating/Selecting Text

Compact View Operations

Speaker Labels/Scene Markers

Text Formatting,Style and Colour

Comments and Check Marks


Audio Alignment


Speech Input Controls

Video Controls

Shot Changes


Unless stated otherwise, number keys, mathematic symbols, Ins (0) and Del (decimal point) refer to the numeric keypad (Numpad)  only.   Arrows, PageUp and PageDown etc. refer to the specific keys and not those on the scroll lock of the numeric keypad. The NumLock and Scroll Lock settings are generally irrelevant to the action of these command keys, except on laptop keyboards with no dedicated numeric keypad. Where a shortcut requires the Alt key you cannot use the Alt Gr key.  

Opening and Printing

Ctrl N

New W32 subtitle file

Ctrl O

Open existing W32 file

Ctrl P

Print current file or current selection

Alt F4

Exit Wincaps Q4


Window Navigation/Modes

Note: The F keys have alternative functions when the Speaker List is active


Open help

Alt 1

 List View

Alt 2

Timeline View

Alt 3

Compact View


Edit Mode


Fix Mode


Replay Mode

Ctrl Q

Open House Styles management dialog

                                              Ctrl Alt Q Open Shortforms management dialog
                                           Ctrl Shift Q

Opens the Shortforms Edit DEFAULT dialog window


Cycle between subtitle display, Toolbox and SpeakTitle window

                                        Ctrl Shift Tab Navigate between files
                                         Ctrl+Shift+P Toggle between file view and Super file


Click here to learn how to navigate around the Toolbox using the Tab and Arrow keys.


Creating and Editing Subtitles


Place cursor at the required position in the text


Creates a manual Backup of the file


Create new blank subtitle

Ctrl Return

Split subtitle, creating new subtitle

Shift Return

Split row into 2 lines


Delete next character (merges with next subtitle if cursor is at end of subtitle)

Ctrl Delete

Delete forwards word (merges with next subtitle if cursor is at end of subtitle)

Shift Delete

Delete current row

Ctrl Shift Delete

Delete current subtitle


Delete previous character (merges with previous subtitle if cursor at start of subtitle)

Ctrl Backspace

Deletes backwards word (merges with previous subtitle if cursor at start of subtitle)

Shift Backspace

Delete current row

Ctrl Shift Backspace

Delete all text in subtitle

Ctrl C / V / X

Copy / Paste / Cut

Ctrl Z / Y

Undo / Redo

Ctrl Alt -

Inserts a En Dash

Ctrl - or
Ctrl Shift -

Insert/remove speaker change dashes at start of lines (either with or without space after dash/En dash)

Ctrl Shift H
(with cursor on a flagged homophone)

Cycle through homophones

Ctrl Shift X

Disable subtitle from transmission (toggle)

Ctrl F7

Run a spell check


Click here to learn how to select and manipulate whole subtitles in the Compact View.

Navigating/Selecting Text

Place cursor at the required position in the text

← (left arrow)

Move to character on left

Shift ←  

Select character on left

Ctrl ←

Jump to word on left

Ctrl Shift ←

Select word left

→ (right arrow)

Move to character on right

Shift →

Select character on right

Ctrl →

Jump to word on right

Ctrl Shift →

Select word right

 ↑ (up arrow)

Row up

Shift ↑

Select row up

↓ (down arrow)

Row down

Shift ↓

Select row down


Go to start of row

Ctrl Home

Go to start of subtitle

Shift Home

Select text from cursor position to start of row

Ctrl Shift Home

Select text from cursor position to start of subtitle


Go to end of row

Ctrl End

Go to end of subtitle

Shift End

Select text from cursor position to end of row

Ctrl Shift End

Select text from cursor position to end of subtitle


Go to previous/next subtitle

Ctrl PageUp/Down

Go to start/end of subtitle file

Ctrl Shift PageUp/Down

Scroll page up/down

Alt PageUp/Down

Go to previous/next section marker

Ctrl F

Open Find dialog

Ctrl G

Go to subtitle/timecode

Ctrl H

Open Replace dialog


Click here to learn more about navigating and selecting text.

Compact View Operations

With the Compact View selected.  Hold Ctrl key down to marquee select nodes

Ctrl Space

Select/deselect current subtitle node (subtitle turns blue)

Ctrl A

Select all nodes

Shift Home

Select all subtitle Nodes from current to top of file

Shift End

Select all subtitle Nodes from current to bottom of file

Ctrl↑ (up arrow)  

Move to previous subtitle node

Ctrl↓ (down arrow)

Move to next subtitle node

Ctrl Shift ↑

Subtitle node range selection

Ctrl Shift ↓

Subtitle node range selection

Ctrl Z/Y/C/V/X

Clipboard commands affect all selected subtitle nodes


Delete selected nodes


Click here to learn more about using the Compact View

Speaker Labels/Scene Markers

With the Speaker List tab selected in the Toolbox


Speaker IDs 1 to 10

Shift F1-F10

Speaker IDs 11 to 20

Ctrl Shift F1-F10

Speaker IDs 21 to 30

Ctrl K

Toggle scene marker


Clear current speaker colour

Numpad 1 - 6

Cycles through colours as per colour order


Text Formatting, Style and Colour

Place cursor at the required position in the text.  Note that these keystrokes only function when the current subtitle has focus, i.e. the flashing cursor is displayed.

Ctrl B

Bold (not Teletext)

Ctrl I

Italic (not Teletext)

Ctrl U

Underline (not Teletext)

Ctrl T

Toggle between Open Caption and Teletext for current subtitle (Teletext personality only)

Ctrl L

Toggle automatic text splitting on/off

Ctrl ↓ (down arrow)

Snake - move last word of current row to start of next row

Ctrl ↑ (up arrow)

Un-snake - move first word of next row to end of current row

Ctrl 8
(main keyboard)

Move first word of current subtitle to end of previous subtitle

Ctrl Shift 8
(main keyboard)

Move last word of previous subtitle to start of current subtitle

Ctrl 9
(main keyboard)

Move last word of current subtitle to start of next subtitle

Ctrl Shift 9
(main keyboard)

Move first word of next subtitle to end of current subtitle

Ctrl Shift K
(main keyboard)

Merges next subtitle to current subtitle regardless of cursor position

Ctrl Alt K
(main keyboard)

Merges previous subtitle to current subtitle regardless of cursor position

Ctrl M

Change case - toggles Title Case, UPPERCASE and lowercase

Ctrl R or Tab*

Reformat from cursor position (* User configurable option)


Sentence text colour white

Shift 7

Subtitle text colour white

Ctrl 7

Sentence background colour black

Ctrl Shift 7

Subtitle background colour black


Sentence text colour yellow

Shift 8

Subtitle text colour yellow

Ctrl 8

Sentence background colour red

Ctrl Shift 8

Subtitle background colour red


Sentence text colour cyan

Shift 9

Subtitle text colour cyan

Ctrl 9

Sentence background colour blue

Ctrl Shift 9

Subtitle background colour blue


Sentence text colour green

Shift /  

Subtitle text colour green

Ctrl /

Sentence text colour magenta

Ctrl Shift /

Subtitle text colour magenta


Sentence foreground colour picker

Shift *

Subtitle foreground colour picker

Ctrl *

Sentence background colour picker

Ctrl Shift *

Subtitle background colour picker


Toggle add-on status of subtitle (Teletext personality only)


Click here to learn more about changing colours. Click here to learn about changing colours with Integrated Dragon.

Comments and Check Marks

Ctrl Shift C

Add a comment

Ctrl Alt C

Clear comment from current subtitle (or selected subtitles in Compact View)

Ctrl D

Move to next subtitle with comment

Ctrl Shift D

Move to previous subtitle with comment

Ctrl E

Move to next check mark

Ctrl Shift E

Move to previous check mark

(focus in comment field)

Save edit and return focus to subtitle

Shift Return
(focus in comment field)

Create new row in comment field

(focus in comment field)

Return focus to subtitle without saving edit


Place cursor at the required position in the text

1 / 2 / 3  

Left / Centre / Right position

Shift 1 / 2 / 3  

Left / Centre / Right justification

Alt arrow keys

Move subtitle 1 unit  in given direction (4 Closed Caption horizontal cells)

Ctrl Alt arrow keys

Move subtitle 10 units / 2 Teletext cells / 1 Closed Caption cell  in given direction

Shift Alt arrow keys

Move current row 1 unit in given direction (4 Closed Caption horizontal cells)

Ctrl Shift Alt arrow keys

Move current row 10 units / 2 Teletext cells / 1 Closed Caption cell  in given direction

Shift Alt Home

Move current row to left position

Shift Alt End

Move current row to right position


Toggle raise/drop subtitle position

Shift Enter

Place subtitle at top of video screen


Audio Alignment

Focus in SpeakTitle Window and List View

(Numpad) *

Set/clear section start marker


(Numpad) *

Set/clear section end marker

Ctrl Shift S

Clear alignment of current section


Start Aligner


* Note that these keys are configurable


The NumLock key should be enabled in order for these keystrokes to work correctly.

Shift Ins
(Numpad) *

Fix IN time at current timecode value

Shift Del
(Numpad) *

Fix OUT time at current timecode value

Ctrl Ins

Set IN time as explicit at current timecode value

Ctrl Del

Set OUT time as explicit at current timecode value

Shift Tab

Move focus (cursor) between subtitle, comments, IN time, duration, OUT time

↑ (up arrow)
(with focus on timecode)

Increase the time by 1 frame

↓ (down arrow)
(with focus on timecode)

Decrease the time by 1 frame

Ctrl ↑ (up arrow)
(with focus on timecode)

Increases the time by 5 frames

Ctrl ↓ (down arrow)
(with focus on timecode)

Decrease the time by 5 frames

Ctrl 6
(main keyboard)

Increase the IN time by one frame

Ctrl Shift 6
(main keyboard)

Decrease the IN time by one frame

Ctrl 7
(main keyboard)

Increase the OUT time by one frame

Ctrl Shift 7
(main keyboard)

Decrease the OUT time by one frame

Ctrl -

Toggle the fixed status of the IN time

Ctrl +

Toggle the fixed status of the OUT time

Shift +

Adjust OUT time of previous subtitle to match IN time of current subtitle

Ctrl Shift +

Adjust IN time of current subtitle to match OUT time of previous subtitle

Ctrl Shift O


Display the Adjust Timecodes dialog to modify timecodes for a range of subtitles

Ctrl Shift R

Display the Re-Sync Timecodes dialog to modify timecodes for a range of subtitles


* Note that these keys are configurable

Video Controls

The Video Control keystrokes are described here.

Speech Input Controls


Toggle microphone on/off


Change Text Size in SpeakTitle Window


Clears Text from the SpeakTitle Window

Shot Changes

Ctrl 1

Go to previous shot change

Ctrl 3

Go to next shot change

Ctrl Shift 1

Go to previous shot change or speech block IN time.

Ctrl Shift 3

Go to next shot change or speech block IN time.


See Also:


Q-Live keyboard shortcuts